Our curated collections help you find classes that match whatever you’re doing or feeling today. From injury-safe or no equipment workouts, outdoor classes to healthy recipes, you can find what you’re looking for here.

  • Closed Captioned Classes

    39 items

    Prefer a captions-on experience? This collection has the addition of subtitles to some of our most popular workouts for those who are hearing impaired or just like to read along. New closed captioned videos will be added weekly.

  • Cozy Sculpt

    4 items

    This collection offers a series of mellow workouts that feel nourishing, not demanding—perfect if you’re not in the mood for a long workout (or changing out of your pjs), but know exercise will help you relax, de-stress, or ease into the day.

  • Lifestyle
    3 seasons


    3 seasons

    Dive into wellness beyond workouts with a new collection featuring self-care tutorials, recipes, wellness chats and more. 👇🏼TAP THE DROP DOWN MENU TO EXPLORE ALL 👇🏼

  • No Equipment

    80 items

    Whether you’re on vacation without your gear or you just want to keep things simple, this collection has some of our best equipment-free and equipment-optional workouts to help you stick with your fitness goals no matter where you are or what you have with you. Please note: some of these classes ...

  • No Kneeling

    101 items

    In this curated collection, we’ve compiled all of the workouts that do not require you to kneel during any point of class. It is ideal for those with knee sensitivities or injuries but also great if you’re traveling without a mat, or simply prefer to avoid being on your knees. Tone and strengthen...

  • What Do You Need Today?

    7 seasons

    This collection offers a series of curated classes types to support you through everyday life moments. From hangover-friendly workouts when you had one too many aperol spritzes to stress-busting workouts when you have the Sunday scaries, we have the perfect class to fit your mood.

    👇🏼TAP THE DROP...

  • TSS Friends

    87 items

    Fitness is always better with friends. This collection features workouts with The Sculpt Society friends like model Miranda Kerr, TV personality and CEO Lo Bosworth, and actress Rachael Harris. Join in on the fun with a variety of class types, including sculpt, prenatal, dance cardio, and more.

  • Side Body
    95 items

    Side Body

    95 items

    You know those days when you’re so tired you’d rather just lie down on the mat? Our side-body workouts are a Sculpt Society fan favorite for exactly that reason. This collection is full of on-the-mat workouts for legs and booty to help you keep up with your fitness goals with little to no standing.

  • TSS Outdoors

    6 seasons

    Perfect for soaking up sunny days or when you have a bit of cabin fever, our TSS Outdoors collection is full of workouts you can take pretty much anywhere. Enjoy the scenic garden, mountain, and beachside filming locations of each class — they’re basically TSS-approved staycations!

    Click the dro...

  • Ankle + Leg Injury Safe

    74 items

    Listen to what your body needs and choose a class that’s designed to take it easy on any areas that need a little extra care. Classes in this collection do not place any weight on your feet or ankles. For all arm exercises you can kneel to omit any pressure on your ankles. Please modify as needed...

  • Arm + Wrist Injury Safe

    81 items

    Listen to what your body needs and choose a class that’s designed to take it easy on any areas that need a little extra care. Classes in this collection do not require you to be on your hands or knees in any sequence. In the arm section of each class, you can drop the weights to alleviate any ext...