Dr. Sarah Oreck MD is a reproductive psychiatrist, mother of 3 and CEO
and co-founder of Mavida Health. Mavida Health is a comprehensive,
specialized virtual mental health care offering for the path to
parenthood. From trying to conceive, to pregnancy (including adoption
& surrogacy), for those experiencing loss, or in the postpartum,
Mavida Health offers clinical care - including 1:1, group, and
couples/family therapy, plus medication management and prescribing,
educational content, and supportive community, all from the comfort of
Email [email protected] with the code TSS90 to get 90 days free of membership to the Mavida Health platform.
Disclaimer: You should always consult your doctor or other healthcare professional to confirm that exercise is safe for you, including during any fertility journey or your pregnancy and post-pregnancy, and obtain approvals, if necessary. We are not medical professionals, and while our workouts are designed with this stage of life in mind, we cannot guarantee that these workouts are safe for any specific individual. Class instructions are informational only and are in no way intended as a substitute for medical advice or to provide specific advice for a specific individual.
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